Tuesday, October 28, 2008

M is for Mother

Nothing can be as sweet
As a mother's loving heart
For it was planned by God
Right from the very start.
He knew that we would need her
From the moment of our birth
To help us learn to thrive
In this wonder we call earth.

I have such reflections of the past
As I picture my Mother's face
And the tenderest of loving feelings
Felt in her warm embrace...
Reflections in the mirror?
Yes, I see her there
In the lines upon my forehead
And the graying in my hair.
I see her in the hand
Outstretched in front of me
Is that my hand I look at now
Or my mother's hand I see?
I hear my voice echo
Words I heard her say
And her phases become more prominent
I seem to use them every day.
I don't really mind it
That I look a bit like she did
For she was my hero
From the time I was a kid.
And I heard her once in passing
A similar story share
That when she looked into her mirror....
She saw HER mother there....

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