Panic in my House
My mom is in a panic
She's standing on a chair
All because she heard me say
"I can't find Charlie anywhere!"
Charlie escaped somehow
From his little Charlie house
He's just a teeny little thing
My really cute pet mouse!
His fur is soft and white
And his wiggly nose is pink
He is really quite hygienic
And doesn't even stink!
I have looked both high and low
And I'm beginning to worry
I really need to find him
And find him in a hurry.
I really hesitate to tell my mom
(Fearful of the scene she'll make)
That the reason I'm so worried is
I cannot find my snake...
I Got Sent to the Office Today
Mommy and Daddy
Are going to be sad
They might be shocked
Or even be mad!
Though I'm usually pretty good
As a general rule
Today I got into a bit of trouble
While I was at school.
I didn't have my homework
For it blew out of my hand
And right through our front door
Where the next door neighbor hit it with his mower.
His dog ran up and grabbed it
And took off across the lawn
And before I could grab him
The little mutt was gone!
I tried to track him down
But the bus was stopped outside
And my Mom had told me already
That I'd better not miss my ride.
As I rode the bus to school
I saw that silly dog
With my Math assignment in his teeth
Sitting on a log.
But when the teacher asked for it
I found that I just could not say
That a dog had grabbed my homework
And then had run away.
So I just looked down at the floor
And gave a little sigh
And that's why at the principal's office
Here sit I.....
Shaving Creme Everywhere
Shaving Crème everywhere
On the floor and on the chair
Covering up the cushion of silk
Filled me with a bit of ilk!
Sofa dabbled with whitest foam
And it even called the dog's fur home
And how DID it get
on the telephone?
Did the shaving crème can explode
Burst open in mid air and them implode
Oh tell me someone, please share
How did this mess get everywhere???
Two rather sheepish boys appear
With bits of crème on hair and ear
And suddenly I see the light
This is the result of their shaving crème fight!!
My little brother left the house
Without any pants
I asked him why
And he said they were full of ants
So he tossed him out the window
And they landed in Mom's garden
A poor decision he won't recant
And now our poor mom
Has his ants in her plants!
Jerry Lynn Mc Bright
Jerry Lynn Mc Bright
Couldn't sleep last night
There was so much stuff
Going around in his head
That it wouldn't stop
When he went to bed.
SO he made to do lists
And don't do lists
He made "I will " lists
And "I won't" lists.
And once he put these down on paper
Jerry Lynn felt so much better
And intended to obey them
Each list down to the letter.
He took out the garbage
He mowed the lawn
He watered the roses
And then with a yawn
He did his homework
Then turned out the light
But Jerry Lynn forgot
To walk his dog last night...
Poor Fido crept into Jerry's room
And licked his toes and feet
But Jerry Lynn just sleepily groaned
"Oh go away Fido, I need my sleep."
Fido jumped upon the bed
And gave him a big ole kiss
But Fido began to whine
And Jerry Lynn knew something was amiss.
He had thought FIdo just wanted to play
Or just to come into bed for a cuddle
Too late he remembered
What he had forgotten
When Jerry Lynn stepped in a
Kid for Rent
Today I made a sign
In letters tall and bright
You can rent this kid
He's available tonight!
My folks don't understand me
They fussed at me all day
Just because it was my wish
To go outside and play.
I wanted to play basketball
And shoot hoops with the guys
But Dad said to mow the lawn
Because it looked like cloudy skies.
It began to rain
While I was out playing
I ran inside while covering my head
Forgetting the lawnmower
I had taken out of the shed...
The rain came down
In gigantic drops
I thought to myself
It would never stop!
Not to worry I thought to myself
Tomorrow the grass would still be there
I really didn't see a problem
Sometime Dads just aren't fair.
Then there was the trash
My mom asked me to take out
And I said that I would do it
In an hour or about.
But the TV shows were funny
And then my friends showed up online
And when I remembered about the trash
I thought tomorrow should be fine...
But then I got to sleep in late
Because there was no school
Although when it is time for breakfast
I'm at the table as a rule.
I knew I was in trouble
When I heard that funny sound
That means to watch out everybody
The trash truck is around.
My mother took one look outside
Then glanced at the kitchen door
And I knew I wasn't going to make it
Before my feet touched the floor.
The truck was chugging down the street
While I twisted, tied and lugged
And as I watched him in the distance
I knew Mom was starting to get bugged.
I saw the lawnmower in the yard
Where I had left it victim to the rain
And I began to to feel discomfort
I began to feel some pain.
So I packed up a suitcase
And my favorite camping tent
And posted a great big sign
That said "THIS KID FOR RENT!"
Oh, I see some customers coming
And they look a wee bit sad
But they say they want to rent a kid
Thank you Mom and Dad!
My dog ate my breakfast
But he can't have my lunch
Because we're having macaroni
And I like that a bunch!
My dog ate my homework
He gobbled up my spelling
I don't think teacher will believe me
So there is no use in telling.
My dog broke my brother's lamp
That sat upon his desk
Now the room is way too dark
For him to study for his test.
I sent him to obedience school
But he didn't learn a bunch
He fought a show breed Poodle
And ate the instructor's lunch.
Poor puppy doesn't have a name yet
For mom says he may not stay
Unless he learns the rules
And how a puppy should obey.
So we just call him Puppy
And ever since he came
I'm sure that he must feel
That "Bad Dog" is his name!
One day we looked into the yard
And saw a big ole snake
Headed right toward little sis...
My mom quickly grabbed the rake.
She ran out into the garden
With that rake held high
Ready to "rake up" that snake
But I saw concern in her eye.
But Puppy Dog was faster
And in a blinking of an eye
He had cornered that big ole snake
My how that pup could fly!
He growled and fearlessly
Held that snake down with one paw
Then he seemed to analyze
Just what kind of snake he saw.
Fiercely he let out a roar
And bit that snake so hard
That it took off at record speed
To get out of our backyard.
Mom grabbed Pup and she hugged him tight
And she gave extra treats that night
Somehow I think that Pup will stay
Because my Mom became his fan that day!
Mom said the snake wasn't poisonous
But Pup had no way of knowing
And with his act of love for us
His true doggie nature he was showing.
Oh, Puppy has a name now
I thought you'd like to know
My Mom chose the name for him
His is simply our "Hero!"
Jonathan McWigglespoon
Had a bad day
He fell in the barnyard
And got a nose full of hay.
He tripped on a hen
That had just laid an egg
He severely bruised his arm
And he cut up his leg.
He went to milk the cow
And angered the goat.
"Well," said Johanthan,
"That's all she wrote!"
"I'm not doing chores
Or stepping outside,
I've bruised my whole body
And damaged my pride."
So there sits Jonathan
Day after day
Nursing his pride
While other kids play.
The new chicks have hatched
And the goat has a kid
And looks really sorry
For the damage she did...
The dog has new puppies
And even the cat had a baby
Will Jonathan go out to play again
I'm thinking ....maybe!
The Lollipop
Brother had a lollipop
And left in a chair
Kitty jumped up on it
And left it full of hair.
It flew up to the sofa back
And it just dangled there.
Full of lint and cushion fur
And lots of kitty hair.
Mommy came and sat down
And it stuck onto her dress
Daddy came and hugged her
And it stuck onto his vest.
Daddy came into my room
He came in to say goodnight
And the lolly fell on me
As he turned out the light.
Then in came my brother
Who stated angrily
Sister has a lollipop
That belongs to me!
And suddenly all eyes were on me
And that ugly hairy mess
And Daddy said in knowing tones
That I might as well confess.
He said I shouldn't take candy to my room
When I went to bed at night
And he thought I should apologize to my brother
And then he turned out the light.
But I'm not even angry
'Cause there's something else I saw as well
When Brother put down the lollipop
And I didn't even tell.
Brother brought in the neighbor's pup
And put him in Daddy's bed
I know he'd just been watered
And I know he'd just been fed.
He put him on Mommy's pillow
With note and signed his name
And knowing puppy's natures
It's just a waiting game.
So I'm resting comfortably
And there's a sound I'm waiting for
The exclamation from their room
That says I'm not the one in trouble anymore
Peanut Butter Woes
Look at me! I must confess
I really am quite a mess!
I've peanut butter in my hair
On my chin and everywhere
And even on my underwear!
I meant to make a little snack
And gave the lid a tiny smack
When all across the room it flew
With butter sticking just like glue!
I grabbed the lid and plopped it down
But that silly thing just spun around
And when I tried to grab it tight
I got peanut butter on the light.
The jar fell down on Mom's clean floor
(Well, it isn't clean anymore)
But our dog (that silly pup)
Came running in to lick it up.
I think he did a really fine job
Considering some came out as a blob
When I picked up the jar again
And it crashed on its open end...
I love peanut butter very much
But I don't think I have the touch
Needed to become a cook or chef
And perhaps shoud leave it on the shelf!
I hate to think what Mom will say
When she sees the kitchen today
Perhaps she will not buy me any more
Or she might just make me mop the floor...
Little Mouse in My House
I think there's a mouse
That lives in my house
And he has a little pink nose
But though he started out
Really tiny and cute
I think during the night he grows!
Mommy and Daddy
Realized he was there
'Cause he squeaked one night
And give us a scare
So they put out some cheese
On a sticky little tray
And thought they would catch him
Before the next day.
But when they awoke
They realized with disdain
That he had eaten the cheese and escaped
So they had to fill up the tray again!
Hopefully this time he would not get away
Not by the hair on his chiny chin chin!
They said that wasn't really a trap
And the mousey would not feel pain
But with a bit of sticky on his tiny feet
He would wait there till they freed him again.
So this went on day after day
And the mousey did daily partake
Of luscious cheese and peanut butter
And once a tiny piece of my cake!
So I think there's a mouse
Who lives in my house
Who is as fat as a mouse can be
Or else he has it so good
In our neighborhood
That he invites mouse friends over for tea!
The Un School Day
Yesterday I got up to go to school
And didn't really want to go
I knew that there would be a test
On things I did not know.
I told my mom that I was ill
Both my tummy and my head
Hurt me so awful much
That I should really stay in bed.
Up to my brow she put her palm
And amazingly she said
That yes indeedy, I was right
I belonged there in my bed.
Time for the school bus came and went
And I was still safe at home
Thinking smugly to myself
That about the house I'd roam.
But in came my mom with breakfast
Carried gently on a tray
She reminded me that sick as I was
I should remain in bed all day!
She said that a quiet and tidy room
Was more restful to the ill
So she took my noisy toys out of the room
Making it so silent and so still.
She said she would come back to check
And make sure my pillows were all fluffed
To make sure the room was nice and dark
So that I'd get rest enough.
Ohhhh, the day was long and sad
The day was so dull and boring
That before the awful day ended at last
Even my faithful dog was snoring!
When nighttime came at last
I said "MOM, I'm feeling so much better
It's all over now
Whatever was the matter!"
She smiled that Mothers' knowing smile
And sweetly looked at me
And with her palm up to my brow
She nodded to agree.
Morning came and the sun was up
My how the time seemed to fly
As I prepared to go to school
There was no happier kid than I!
I was ready right on time to catch the bus
Without delay or hint of fuss.
I waved goodbye from my window seat
Oh, freedom from that room was sweet!
I entered into my classroom on time
Feeling good and looking fine
But waiting for those sympathetic looks
As I carefully got out my books.
But not one person mentioned that I hadn't been there
And I thought to myself "Well, that isn't fair!"
Here I had been sick abed
And not one sympathetic word was said.
Then as I settled down at my desk
Thankful that at least I'd missed that test
"Good Morning Class!" I heard the teacher say
"I hope you enjoyed yesterday!"
I know that it must have been such a sweet surprise
To have that snowfall greet your eyes.
Knowing that you got the whole day off to play
And not worry about coming back to school until today!
And since you all had
An extra day of rest
Please get out your pencils
For we're having a test!
Thena Smith
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