Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I is for Inspirational and Introductions

When people make you cry

When people make you cry, forgive them
For they are the losers in the end
They have missed a chance to encourage
A truly wonderful friend.

When family makes you cry
It is really sad to say
There's nothing you can do
If they are prone to be that way!

Just love them anyway
And make it a point to be
Always the first with love
At any opportunity!

And even if it seems to be
A losing battle to you now
You will be the winner in the end
Some day, somewhere ...somehow!

Never rush to be the one
Who has the cutting remark
But rather be the one to rush ahead
To help heal a hurting heart!

Thena Smith

When I Awoke

When I awoke this morning
As the sun shone on my face
I was reminded of God's mercy
And so thankful for His grace....

I thought of all my loved ones
Who had made the journey home
And though I miss them terribly
I would not wish them back
For God's Heaven has in abundance
All the things the earth seem s to lack!

When I awoke this morning
I ask God above to bless
All those I love so very much
With joy, peace and happiness.

And tonight before I go to sleep
I shall ask Him once again
To bless you and your family
Before I say Amen.


I Believe

Your legacy lives on
In the way you lived each day
The kind things you did
And the words we heard you say.

You wore a bracelet on your arm
That gave you such relief
For it strengthened you in spirit
And remind you of your beliefs.

Some people say that life is over
Once we leave this earthly shore
But I know that our life is just beginning
Once our time on earth is o'er.

I too believe and cherish
The stregth that God has given
For us to live our lives down here
And to fit us for His Heaven.

I look forward to the day
And that place where no one grieves
When we shall be togehter forever more
In a place where everyone believes!


Welcome to my Heart

Welcome to my heart
I hope that you will find
Gentle loving things
Inside this heart of mine.

Welcome to my heart
For now you are my friend
And from this heart of mine
My love to you I send.

Welcome to my heart
Please never go away
For once you come into my heart
I hope that you will stay.



Angels are all around us
I can sense them everythere
I feel their wingtips brush my face
As I kneel to speak to God in prayer.

I know He sends them here to help us
When we get in a jam
And I know that there are lots of them
For I feel them all around.

I do not worship angels
For they too are subject to the Lord
They are just ministering spirits
Sent to those who trust His Word.

I'm asking that God send
A ministering angel on its way
To shelter you from the storm
And comfort you today.

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