Tuesday, October 28, 2008

N is for Nature

What better sign than a Rainbow

What better sign than a rainbow
To signify blessings on our special day
What better sign that God's promise
That His love would never go away.

Just as God placed a rainbow
In the sky after a rain
We have promised each other
That our love will forever remain.

Our promise is to each other
And to God in Heaven above
Who gave us His rainbow as a sign
Of His lasting and unconditional love.

When you see a rainbow in the sky
Think of me and you'll know
That our love is forever and ever
Just like God's beautiful bow.


Awed by the Beauty

I am awed by the beauty
Which God surrounds us
From the tiniest delicate flower
To the largest tree,
From the simpliest insect
To the mysterious honeybee.
I look at the little birds that sing
Setting in the tree
And I am awed once more
By the beauty
With which God surrounds me.


How Lovely

Did you ever see
Such lovely things
As a swan on the lake
Or a bird on the wing?

How lovely and graceful
And perfect are they
Whose beauty and singing
Bring delight to our day!


A Bit of Beauty

Oh Father, as I look around me
At the beauty that I see,
I'm so thankful for the privilege
That you have given me
Of seeing your awesome majesty
And the touch of your Mighty hand
In these bits of beauty
That you scatter through the land.

Thena Smith

World Without Color

I cannot imagine a world without color,
A world where the grass was not green,
A world where the colors in the sky
Were not the beautiful colors I’ve seen.
I cannot imagine a world without color,
Where the blues of the sky above
Were not reflected in the beautiful eyes
Of the little girls that I love!
Thank God for the beautiful colors,
For the green grass and the sky so blue,
Thank God for the beautiful colors,
Thank God for the wonder
of you!
Thena Smith

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